Director Richard Linklater subsequently employed Sabiston and his proprietary Rotoshop software in the full-length feature movies Waking Life (2001) and A Scanner Darkly (2006). Linklater licensed the same proprietary rotoscoping process for the look of both movies. Linklater was the first director to use digital rotoscoping to create an entire feature movie
人生梦一场惊醒游荡提问飘走;话痨导演但有趣的对话可以看5分钟不用切镜头;"go with the flow"? "remain a sense of departure, while always arriving" "It's always our decision who we are," or is it? language.abstract.communion; collective memory.instict; freedom.responsibility.individuality; liberate.negative.affirmation-"eternal recurrence"; human.animal.fear.laziness; armed.tyranny; lucid dream.reality; film.momment.layers; society.theory.action; irretrievable.uncertainty; pattern.answer.eternity.infinity; ant.soul;; author.awareness; others.yourself; connecting with people; from "no" to "yes"